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Portrait of Maxentius in variation of 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 36
Current Location: Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 600
Honorand: Maxentius Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 227, no. 508


Colossal portrait of Maxentius in 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 61.7
Current Location: Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, Hm 406
Honorand: Maxentius Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Protzmann, H. (ed) et al., Die Antiken im Albertinum. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Skulpturensammlung., Mainz1993, 66-7, no. 36


Portrait of Maxentius in 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 40
Current Location: Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, inv. no. NM Sk 106
Honorand: Maxentius? Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Brising, H., Antik konst i Nationalmuseum , Stockholm 1911, 131, no. 106, pl. 57


Colossal portrait of man in toga. Rome (Circus of Maxentius). Late third to early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 95
Current Location: Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 611
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 231, no. 521


Over life-size portrait head of Constantine. Rome? Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 38
Current Location: Palazzo Mattei, Rome
Honorand: Constantine I Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Guerrini, L. (ed.), Palazzo Mattei di Giove : le antichità, Rome 1982, 147-8, no. 21, pls. 38 and 42 (F. Carinci)


Over life-size portrait head of Constantine, set on bust. From Italy. Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 95
Current Location: Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 619
Honorand: Constantine I Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 232, no. 526


Portrait head for insertion of clean-shaven man. Unknown provenance. Fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Local stone Height(cm): 35
Current Location: Zadar, Archaeological Museum, inv. no. 32
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Jevtovic, J. (ed.), Antički portret u Jugoslaviji : Narodni muzej, Beograd, Muzeji Makedonije, Skopje, Arheološki muzej, Zagreb, Arheološki muzej, Split, Narodni muzej, Ljubljana , Belgrade 1987, 234, no. 224


Portrait head of clean-shaven man, Constantine or son of Constantine? From Italy. Fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 29
Current Location: Vatican, Chiaramonti, inv. no. 136
Honorand: Constantine or son of Constantine Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Andreae, B. et al. , Museo Chiaramonti III. Bildkatalog der Skulpturen des Vatikanischen Museums, vol. I, Berlin 1995, 97*, no. 136, pls. 1004-1005


Togate portrait statue of C. Caelius Saturninus signo Dogmatius (base LSA-1266). Rome. 324-337

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 219
Current Location: Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Profano inv. no. 10493
Honorand: Dogmatius Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Giuliano, A., Catalogo dei ritratti romani del Museo Profano Lateranense, Vatican City 1957, 81-2, no. 99, pls. 59-60


Portrait of man with short hair and stubble beard, set on bust. Rome (Castrum Praetorium). Early fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 80
Current Location: Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 591
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 226, no. 500


Portrait of man with lank hair and short beard. Ostia. Late fourth or earlier fifth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 28
Current Location: Ostia, Museo Ostiense, inv. no. 45
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Donati, A. and G. Gentili, Costantino il Grande. La civiltà antica al bivio tra Occidente e Oriente, Milan 2005, 214-215, no. 11 (I. Romeo: late fourth to early fifth c.)


Portrait of man with long-face and lightly engraved facial hair. From Italy. Late fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 30
Current Location: Glyptothek, Munich, inv. no. 379
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Baumstark, R. (ed.), Rom und Byzanz : Schatzkammerstücke aus bayerischen Sammlungen , Munich 1998, 72-3, no. 1


Togate statue of man with light beard. Rome. Late fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 181
Current Location: Museo Nazionale Romano, 'Chiostro' of the Baths of Diocletian, inv. no. 247
Honorand: Position:
Awarded By: Position:
Main Reference: Felletti Maj, B.M., I ritratti, Rome 1953, 162, no. 323


Portrait head of Plato. Athens (Achaea). Late third to fourth century.

Type of Evidence: Surviving statuary Material: Marble Height(cm): 24
Current Location: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Honorand: Plato Position: Intellectuals, Lawyers and Doctors
Awarded By: Unknown Position: Awarder Unknown or Uncertain
Main Reference: Dorhn, T. ‘Ein spätantikes Platonporträt’, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 63-64, Berlin 138-1939, 163-7, pls. 65-66 (c. 275-320)


Columnar base for statue of Constantius I, emperor. Sparta (Achaea). 293-305

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Marble Height(cm):
Current Location: Not recorded
Honorand: Constantius I Position: Emperors
Awarded By: City of Sparta Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Main Reference: Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 450


Fragmentary slab, probably from base for statue, with dedication to an emperor. Sparta (Achaea). 290-324

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Marble Height(cm): 18
Current Location: Sparti, museum inv. no. 2880
Honorand: Unknown Position: Emperors
Awarded By: A governor of Achaea (name lost) Position: Provincial Governors
Main Reference: Šašel Kos, M., Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III , Faenza 1979, 30 no. 38


Base for statue of Constantius I, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantius II, or Constans. Sparta (Achaea). 305-361

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Unknown Height(cm):
Current Location: Not recorded
Honorand: Constantius I, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantius II, or Constans Position: Emperors
Awarded By: City of Sparta Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Main Reference: Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 451


Base for statue of Constantius I, emperor. From Asopus (Achaea). 293-305

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Unknown Height(cm):
Current Location: Apparently lost
Honorand: Constantius I Position: Emperors
Awarded By: City of Asopus Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Main Reference: Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 969


Milestone, or just possibly statue base, with dedication to emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius I and Galerius. Patrae (Achaea). 293-305

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Unknown Height(cm):
Current Location: No published record
Honorand: Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius I, Galerius Position: Emperors
Awarded By: Not stated Position: Awarder Unknown or Uncertain
Main Reference: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , III 502


Base for statues of Constantine I and Licinius, emperors. Aigosthena (Achaea). 310-314

Type of Evidence: Inscribed base Material: Local stone Height(cm):
Current Location: Not recorded
Honorand: Constantine I and Licinius Position: Emperors
Awarded By: City of the Aigosthena Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Main Reference: L'Année épigraphique, , 1966 p. 108-9 no. 380

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