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Portrait of Maxentius in variation of 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
36 |
Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 600 |
Maxentius |
Emperors |
Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 227, no. 508 |
Colossal portrait of Maxentius in 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
61.7 |
Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, Hm 406 |
Maxentius |
Emperors |
Protzmann, H. (ed) et al., Die Antiken im Albertinum. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Skulpturensammlung., Mainz1993, 66-7, no. 36 |
Portrait of Maxentius in 'Dresden-Stockholm' type. From Italy. Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
40 |
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, inv. no. NM Sk 106 |
Maxentius? |
Emperors |
Brising, H., Antik konst i Nationalmuseum , Stockholm 1911, 131, no. 106, pl. 57 |
Colossal portrait of man in toga. Rome (Circus of Maxentius). Late third to early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
95 |
Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 611 |
Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 231, no. 521 |
Over life-size portrait head of Constantine. Rome? Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
38 |
Palazzo Mattei, Rome |
Constantine I |
Emperors |
Guerrini, L. (ed.), Palazzo Mattei di Giove : le antichità, Rome 1982, 147-8, no. 21, pls. 38 and 42 (F. Carinci) |
Over life-size portrait head of Constantine, set on bust. From Italy. Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
95 |
Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 619 |
Constantine I |
Emperors |
Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 232, no. 526 |
Portrait head for insertion of clean-shaven man. Unknown provenance. Fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Local stone |
35 |
Zadar, Archaeological Museum, inv. no. 32 |
Jevtovic, J. (ed.), Antički portret u Jugoslaviji : Narodni muzej, Beograd, Muzeji Makedonije, Skopje, Arheološki muzej, Zagreb, Arheološki muzej, Split, Narodni muzej, Ljubljana , Belgrade 1987, 234, no. 224 |
Portrait head of clean-shaven man, Constantine or son of Constantine? From Italy. Fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
29 |
Vatican, Chiaramonti, inv. no. 136 |
Constantine or son of Constantine |
Emperors |
Andreae, B. et al. , Museo Chiaramonti III. Bildkatalog der Skulpturen des Vatikanischen Museums, vol. I, Berlin 1995, 97*, no. 136, pls. 1004-1005 |
Togate portrait statue of C. Caelius Saturninus signo Dogmatius (base LSA-1266). Rome. 324-337 |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
219 |
Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Profano inv. no. 10493 |
Dogmatius |
Giuliano, A., Catalogo dei ritratti romani del Museo Profano Lateranense, Vatican City 1957, 81-2, no. 99, pls. 59-60 |
Portrait of man with short hair and stubble beard, set on bust. Rome (Castrum Praetorium). Early fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
80 |
Museo Torlonia, Rome, inv. no. 591 |
Visconti, P.E., Catalogo del Museo Torlonia di sculture antiche, Rome 1880, 226, no. 500 |
Portrait of man with lank hair and short beard. Ostia. Late fourth or earlier fifth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
28 |
Ostia, Museo Ostiense, inv. no. 45 |
Donati, A. and G. Gentili, Costantino il Grande. La civiltà antica al bivio tra Occidente e Oriente, Milan 2005, 214-215, no. 11 (I. Romeo: late fourth to early fifth c.) |
Portrait of man with long-face and lightly engraved facial hair. From Italy. Late fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
30 |
Glyptothek, Munich, inv. no. 379 |
Baumstark, R. (ed.), Rom und Byzanz : Schatzkammerstücke aus bayerischen Sammlungen , Munich 1998, 72-3, no. 1 |
Togate statue of man with light beard. Rome. Late fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
181 |
Museo Nazionale Romano, 'Chiostro' of the Baths of Diocletian, inv. no. 247 |
Felletti Maj, B.M., I ritratti, Rome 1953, 162, no. 323 |
Portrait head of Plato. Athens (Achaea). Late third to fourth century. |
Surviving statuary |
Marble |
24 |
Athens, Acropolis Museum |
Plato |
Intellectuals, Lawyers and Doctors |
Unknown |
Awarder Unknown or Uncertain |
Dorhn, T. ‘Ein spätantikes Platonporträt’, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 63-64, Berlin 138-1939, 163-7, pls. 65-66 (c. 275-320) |
Columnar base for statue of Constantius I, emperor. Sparta (Achaea). 293-305 |
Inscribed base |
Marble |
Not recorded |
Constantius I |
Emperors |
City of Sparta |
Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials |
Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 450 |
Fragmentary slab, probably from base for statue, with dedication to an emperor. Sparta (Achaea). 290-324 |
Inscribed base |
Marble |
18 |
Sparti, museum inv. no. 2880 |
Unknown |
Emperors |
A governor of Achaea (name lost) |
Provincial Governors |
Šašel Kos, M., Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III , Faenza 1979, 30 no. 38 |
Base for statue of Constantius I, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantius II, or Constans. Sparta (Achaea). 305-361 |
Inscribed base |
Unknown |
Not recorded |
Constantius I, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constantius II, or Constans |
Emperors |
City of Sparta |
Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials |
Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 451 |
Base for statue of Constantius I, emperor. From Asopus (Achaea). 293-305 |
Inscribed base |
Unknown |
Apparently lost |
Constantius I |
Emperors |
City of Asopus |
Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials |
Inscriptiones Graecae, V, 1, 969 |
Milestone, or just possibly statue base, with dedication to emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius I and Galerius. Patrae (Achaea). 293-305
Inscribed base |
Unknown |
No published record |
Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius I, Galerius |
Emperors |
Not stated |
Awarder Unknown or Uncertain |
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , III 502 |
Base for statues of Constantine I and Licinius, emperors. Aigosthena (Achaea). 310-314 |
Inscribed base |
Local stone |
Not recorded |
Constantine I and Licinius |
Emperors |
City of the Aigosthena |
Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials |
L'Année épigraphique, , 1966 p. 108-9 no. 380 |