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Record Detail Previous Record | LSA-1285 | Next Record
LSA-1285 Base for statue (subject unstated), re-erected at command of emperors Valentinian I and Valens. Rome, probably Baths of Caracalla. 365.

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Found in the baths of Caracalla; also reported as from the basilica of St. Peter, capella Gregoriana
Current Location: Museo Capitolino, Sala terrena a destra II (inv. 7099)
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 45 Width(cm): 44 Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Not stated Position: Gender: Unknown
Awarder: Valentinian I and Valens, undertaken by Rufius Volusianus, prefect of the City Position: Emperors
Earliest: 365 Latest : 365
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 1170 (+p.4332)

Gregori, G. L. (ed.), Supplementa Italica. Imagines. Roma (CIL VI), 1. Musei Capitolini, Rome 1999, n. 200

Text: [DD(omini)] nn(ostri) Valentin[ianus] / [et] Valens Au[gusti], / [or]natui publico co[nstitui] / [l]ocarique iusseru[nt]. /(5) Administrante Ru[fio] / Volusiano v(iro) c(larissimo), ex pra[ef(ecto)] / praet(orio), prae(fecto) urbi iu[d(icans)] / iter(um) sacrar(um) cogn[it(ionum)]. Trans: Our lords Valentinianus and Valens Augusti commanded [this statue] to be set up and placed as a public adornment. [This was] managed by Rufius Volusianus, of clarissimus rank, former praetorian prefect, prefect of the City, judge in the imperial court of appeal for the second time.