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LSA-1436 Front of base for statue of Flavius Stilicho, master of the soldiery and member of the imperial family. Rome, from the Forum. 398-399.

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Roman Forum, found near SS. Sergius and Bacchus (near Temple of Vespasian)
Current Location: Rome, Palazzo Capranica della Valle (Largo del Teatro Valle 6)
Object: Plaque Material: Marble Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 123 Width(cm): 134 Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Stilicho, master of the soldiery and member of the imperial family Position: Military Office-Holders Gender: Male
Awarder: Senate Position: Senate and People of Rome
Earliest: 398 Latest : 399
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 1730 (+p. 4746)

Μιτσός, Μ. Θ., Ἀπὸ τοὺς καταλόγους Ἀθηναίων Ἐφήβων κλπ. (ΙΙΙ)
Ἀρχαιολογικὴ Ἐφημερίς
, 1971, 56-65,

Text: Fl(avio) Stilichoni, v(iro) c(larissimo). / Flavio Stilichoni, inlustrissimo viro, / magistro equitum peditumque, / comiti domesticorum, tribuno praetoriano /(5) et ab ineunte aetate per gradus claris/simae militiae ad columen gloriae / sempiternae et regiae adfinitatis evecto / progenero divi Theodosi, comiti divi / Theodosi Augusti in omnibus bellis /(10) adque victoriis et ab eo in adfinitatem / regiam cooptato itemque socero d(omini) n(ostri) / Honori Augusti. Africa consiliis eius / et provisione liberata. Ex s(enatus) c(onsulto).

Trans: To Fl(avius) Stilicho, a man of clarissimus rank. To Flavius Stilicho, of illustrissimus rank, commander of the calvary and infantry, commander of the imperial bodyguards (comes domesticorum), praetorian tribune, both progressing with time through the steps of the most glorious military service to the summit of eternal glory and advanced to royal kinship by marriage as son-in-law of the deified Theodosius, count of the deified Theodosius Augustus in all wars and victories, and appointed by Theodosius to a second royal relationship by marriage as father-in-law of our lord Honorius Augustus. A man whose council and forethought freed Africa. By decree of the Senate (this was set up).