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LSA-1483 Base for statue of Coelia Claudiana, chief Vestal Virgin. Rome, House of the Vestals. Late Third Century.

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Roman Forum, atrium Vestae; found in 1497
Current Location: Unrecorded
Object: Base Material: Re-Use? Other
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Coelia Claudiana, chief Vestal Virgin Position: Religious Office-Holders Gender: Female
Awarder: The City of Rome, by decree of the Senate Position: Others
Earliest: 286 Latest :
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 2138

Text: Coeliae Claudianae, / v(irgini) V(estali) maximae, / religiosissimae benignissimaeque, / cuius pios ritus ac plenam sacro/rum erga deos administrationem /(6) urbis (sic, for ‘urbs’) aeterna laude b(e) (sic, for‘de’) s(enatus) s(ententia) comproba[vit]. / Octavia Honorata, v(irgo) V(estalis), divinis / eius admonitionibus semper provecta.
Trans: To Coelia Claudiana, chief Vestal Virgin, most religious and benevolent woman, whose pious performance of the religious rites, and administration full of holy [deeds] towards the gods, the eternal city honours with praise, by decree of the Senate. Octavia Honorata, Vestal Virgin, always aided by her divine guidance, [set this up].