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LSA-1491 Base for statue of Filumenus, athlete; statue ordered by the emperors. Rome. 367-375.

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Oppian hill, found in the gardens of S. Pietro in Vincoli, on the Oppian hill. Dedicated in the Curia Athletarum, area of baths of Trajan
Current Location: Unrecorded location
Object: Base Material: Unknown Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Filumenus, athlete Position: Charioteers and Athletes Gender: Male
Awarder: Ordered by Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian, with the assent of the Senate and People ofd Rome Position: Emperors
Earliest: 367 Latest : 375
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 10154

Text: Filumenum. / Ddd(omini) et principes n(ostri) Valentinian(us), / Valens et Gratianus, semp(er) Augg(gusti), /(4) Filumenum in omni aclhetico (sic, for ‘athletico’) cer/tamine ab oriente ad occidente(m) usq(ue) / victorem pammacho lucta prancati (sic, for ‘pancrati’) / c(a)estibusq(ue) id est pygme locatione sta/tuae in acletarum (sic, for ‘athletarum’) curia aeternita/tis gloria dignum esse iudicarunt /(10) quod omnes xystici gratanter / acceperunt sen(atus) pariter simulq(ue) / p(opulus) R(omanus) ingenti fabore prosecutus est. Trans: (You see) Filumenus. Our lords and emperors Valentinian, Valens and Gratian, forever Augusti, decided that Filumenus, who was victorious in every athletic contest from East to West in combined events (pammachus), wrestling, pancratium, and with the gloves that is boxing, was worth of eternal glory [achieved by] the setting up of a statue in the hall of the athletes (curia athletarum). All athletes (xystici) accepted that gratefully, the senate likewise, and also the Roman people followed with immense favour.