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LSA-1645 Base for statue of Diocletian, emperor; erected to its patron by the guild of carpenters (fabri tignuarii). From Ostia (hinterland of Rome). 285.

City: Ostia Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Found out of context, in Rome, it is originally from Ostia
Current Location: Now in Kopenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in aula media
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 125 Width(cm): 84 Depth(cm): 58
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Diocletian Position: Emperors Gender: Male
Awarder: The guild of the construction workers (Fabri Tignuarii) Position: Guilds
Earliest: 285 Latest : 285
Østergaard, J. S., Catalogue. Imperial Rome. Ny Carlsbeg Glyptotek, Kopenhagen 1996, n. 205

Østergaard, J. S., Catalogue. Imperial Rome. Ny Carlsbeg Glyptotek, Kopenhagen 1996, n. 205

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , XIV, 128 (+p 613) = CIL VI, 1116 (+p. 4325)

Text: Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) C(aio) Valerio / Diocletiano, / pio, felici, / invicto Aug(usto), pontif(ici) max(imo), /(5) Brittannic(o) max(imo), Germ(anico) / max(imo), trib(unicia) potest(ate) II, co(n)s(uli) II, / p(atri) p(atriae), proco(n)s(uli). / Honorati et decurion(es) / et numerus militum /(10) caligatorum.
Trans: To the emperor Caesar Caius Valerius Diocletianus, pious, fortunate, unconquered Augustus, highest priest (pontifex maximus), greatest victor over the British peoples, greatest victor over the Germanic peoples, holding the tribunician power for the second time, consul for the second time, father of the country, proconsul. The holders of distinction (honorati), the decurions, and the soldiers of the lower ranks (set this up).