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LSA-1660 Base for statue of Lucius Crepereius Madalianus, prefect of the annona. Portus (hinterland of Rome). 337-340.

City: Portus Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Found in Portus, re-used in later raising of the street level
Current Location: Last recorded as still in Portus, to the South of the harbour of Trajan (CIL)
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 149 Width(cm): 89 Depth(cm): 78
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Lucius Crepereius Madalianus, prefect of the annona Position: Other Officials of Rome or Constantinople Gender: Male
Awarder: Council and people (ordo et populus) of Portus Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 337 Latest : 340
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , XIV, 4449

Thylander, H., Inscriptions du port d'Ostie, Lund 1952, B, 336

Text: Fide exercitationem, / bonitati pollenti, Lucio / Crepereio Madaliano, v(iro) c(larissimo), / praef(ecto) ann(onae) cum iure gladii, /(5) comiti Flaviali corr(ectori) Flam(iniae) / et Piceni, leg(ato) pro praetore prov(inciae) / Asiae, leg(ato) prov(inciae) Africae, consula(ri) / aed(ium) sacrar(um), consul(ari) molium fari / at(que?) purgaturae, quaest(ori) candid(ato), /(10) praet(ori), consuli. Ob multa in se eius / testimonia, ordo et popuius (sic pro populus) / Fl(aviae) Constantinianae Portuenses (sic pro Portuensis) / statuam publicae ponendam / censuerunt.

Trans: To a man exercised by faith, powerful in excellence, Lucius Crepereius Madalianus, of clarissimus rank, prefect of the annona) with jurisdiction over capital sentences, Flavian count, governor (corrector) of Flaminia and Picenum, legate representing the praetor of the province of Asia, legate of the province of Africa, supervisor of sacred buildings (consularis aedium sacrarum), supervisor of the lighthouse and of the maintenance of the port (consularis molium fari atque purgaturae), quaestor (quaestor candidatus), praetor, suffect consul. On account of the many proofs of his affection for it, the council (ordo) and people of Flavia Constantiniana Portuensis decreed that a statue be set up with its own funds.