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LSA-1702 Fragmentary plaque, probably from base for statue of Constantine I, emperor. Venusia (Apulia et Calabria). 317-320.

City: Venusia Province: Apulia et Calabria Region: Italy south of Rome, with Sicily
Details: Found in 1988 in church of SS. Trinita, in 6th c context
Current Location: Lower fragment is in Museo Archeologico (inv. no. 391.136); upper fragment is in warehouse of Castle (inv. no. 391.136)
Object: Plaque Material: Marble Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 77 Width(cm): 42 Depth(cm): 4
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Constantine I Position: Emperors Gender: Male
Awarder: Council and people (ordo et populus) of Venusium Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 317 Latest : 320
L'Année épigraphique, , 1995, 348

Silvestrini, M., 'Venosa. Una nuova epigrafe di Costantino e il recente recupero di un "corrector Apuliae et Calabriae". ', Scienze dell’antichità. Storia. archeologia, antropologia 6, Rome 1992-1993, pp. 120-130

Chelotti, M., "Venusia", Supplementa Italica, N.S. 20, Rome 2003, n. 7

Text: [Imp(erator) Caes(ar) Val(erius) Constantinus] / [max(imus), p(ius), f(elix), inv(ictus) Aug(ustus)], / [pont(ifex max(imus), Sarm(aticus) max(imus)], / [Ge]rm(anicus) max(imus), [Goth(icus) max(imus), trib(unicia) pot(estate) XIIII], /(5) imp(erator) XIII[I?, cons(ul) IIII, p(ater) p(atriae)], / procon[sul ---], / [--- nom]inis sui b[---]/[--- Ven]usinis s[---]/[---]t, cura[nte Nonio Vero, v(iro) c(larissimo) (?)], /(10) [--- numin]i maiesta[tiq(ue) eius devotus] / [ordo populusq(ue) Venu]sinorum [---].

Trans: The emperor Caesar Valerius Constantinus the greatest, pious, fortunate, unconquered Augustus, highest pontiff (pontifex maximus), greatest victor over the Sarmatians (Sarmaticus maximus), greatest victor over the Germanic peoples (Germanicus maximus), greatest victor over the Goths (Gothicus maximus), with tribunician powers for the 14th time, emperor for the 14th (?) time, consul for the fourth time, father of the country, proconsul (…) in his name the (…) of the people of Venusium (…), under the care of Nonius Verus, of clarissimus rank, (…) to his divine spirit and majesty; the councillors and people of Venusium …