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LSA-1745 Base for statue of Valerius Publicola, governor of Campania and city patron. Beneventum (Campania). Fourth to earlier fifth century.

City: Beneventum Province: Campania Region: Italy south of Rome, with Sicily
Details: Found near entrance of church of S. Maria di Constantinopoli
Current Location: No recent record
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Valerius Publicola, governor of Campania Position: Provincial Governors Gender: Male
Awarder: Council and people (ordo et populus) of Beneventum Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 333 Latest : 450
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , IX, 1591

Text: Amanti omnium et amato omnibus, / nobili pariter ac iusto, Valerio Publi/colae, c(larissimo) v(iro), cons(ulari) Campaniae, ab atavis / patrono, splendidissimus ordo Beneventanus / et honestissmus populus statuendam / decrevit.

Trans: To the lover of all and loved by all, equally noble and just, Valerius Publicola, of clarissimus rank, governor (consularis) of Campania, patron by descent of his great-great-grandfathers; the most splendid council (ordo) of Beneventum and the most honest people decreed [the statue] to be set up.