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LSA-1911 Lost base for statue of Tannonius Chrysantius (Crhysantius), local patron. Puteoli (Campania). 350-400.

City: Puteoli Province: Campania Region: Italy south of Rome, with Sicily
Details: Uncertain provenance
Current Location: lost
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Verse
Honorand: Tannonius Chrysantius (Crhysantius) Position: Patrons Gender: Male
Awarder: Council and people of Puteoli Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 350 Latest : 400
Bücheler, F., Riese, A., Carmina Latina Epigraphica I, Leipzig 1885 (reprint 1964), no. 327

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 1813

Diehl, E., Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres, Berlin 1925-1967, 142

Text: Tanno[ni] Crhysanti (sic), v(iri) [p(erfectissimi)], / patroni. / Florentem meritis Crhy/santi nomine famam / (5) patria concelebrant cuncti / populique patresque
vocibus / claros titulis consignat hono/res; teque tuosque manet / longos mansura per annos / 10)
felix prole viri, dignos quesitu/ra nepotes, ad tu summe deus / Crhysanti respice gente/m.
Trans: [Statue of] Tannonius Crhysantius, patron of perfectissimus rank. Ever growing in his merits, the fame of the name of Crhysantius is celebrated by all the people and councillors (patres) with their voices, [and] his fatherland assigns him bright honours with inscriptions. A destiny happy through the offspring of the man awaits you and yours for long years, looking forward to worthy grandchildren,and you highest God look to the family of Crhysantius. (transl. U. Gehn)