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LSA-1951 Architrave (?) with inscription for statue of Galerius, emperor. Thugga (Africa Proconsularis). 295

City: Thugga Province: Africa Proconsularis Region: North Africa, Western (from Byzacena westwards)
Details: Found West of the Capitolium
Current Location: No recent record
Object: Unknown Material: Re-Use? Other
Form: Height(cm): 85 Width(cm): 142 Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Galerius Position: Emperors Gender: Male
Awarder: City of Thugga, with Egnatius Tuccianus, probably curator of the city Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 295 Latest : 295
Cagnat, R., Merlin, A., Inscriptions latines d'Afrique, Paris, 1923, no. 532 a

Lepelley, C., Les cités de l'Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire, t. 2, Notices d'histoire municipale, Paris 1981, p. 219, n. 7

Lepelley, C., Les cités de l'Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire, t. 2, Notices d'histoire municipale, Paris 1981, VIII, no. 26567

Text: [[Fortissimo ac nobilissim[o Caesari, virtute etiam ac pietate]]] / [[[praecipuo, C(aio) ?] Galerio Valer[io Maximiano, trib(unicia) pot(estate) III]]], / [[co(n)s(uli) I, [p(atri) p(atriae)], proco(n)s(uli), [res publica col(oniae) Thugg(ae)]]], / anno proco(n)s(ulatu) Postu[mi Titiani c(larissimi) v(iri), curante] / Tucciano c(larissimo) v(iro), numini ei[us maiestatique dicatissimo ?].
Trans: To the most powerful and most noble Caesar, outstanding in virtue and piety, Caius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, holding tribunician power three times, consul for the first time, father of the fatherland, proconsul. The community (res publica) of the colony of Thugga [set this up] in the year of the governorship of Postumus Titianus, of clarissimus rank; with Egnatius Tuccianus, [also] of clarissimus rank, taking charge, most devoted to his divine spirit and majesty.
