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LSA-1969 Base for statue of Caius Minucius Aeterius, local patron. Forum Popilii (Campania). Early to mid fourth century.

City: Forum Popilii Province: Campania Region: Italy south of Rome, with Sicily
Details: Uncertain provenance
Current Location: Lost
Object: Base Material: Unknown Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Caius Minucius Aeterius Position: Patrons Gender: Male
Awarder: People (populus) of Forum Popilii Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 330 Latest : 360
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 4725

Text: C(aio) Minucio Aeterio Sen(iori), industrio viro, / cunctus populus civitatis Foropopiliensium / laboribus tuis patriae nostrae genetalis indicat / maiorem honorem, dignus curiae et populi / (5) patronus, filios primos in ordine nepotes / diem magistratu(s) OSIVRIVEN iam accepisti; / tibi digno patrono cunctus populus, una cum / liberis nostris, statuam loco celeberrimo / patriae nostrae ponendam censuerunt / [---]. Trans: To Caius Minucius Aeterius the Elder, industrious man; the entire people (populus) of the city of the Foropopilienses declares a major honour for your labours, native of our city; [you are] worthy of the council and patron of the people; you have already accepted that first your sons, then in turn your grandsons [will assume] the day of [their] magistracy; to you, worthy patron, the entire people, together with our children, decided that a statue should be set up in the most splendid location of our fatherland. (transl. U. Gehn)