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LSA-2334 Fragmentary base for statue of unknown governor of Tripolitania. Sabratha (Tripolitania). 300-400

City: Sabratha Province: Tripolitania Region: North Africa, Eastern (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica)
Details: Found in the Forum, at the E end of the S portico
Current Location: In situ
Object: Base Material: Local stone Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 130 Width(cm): 60 Depth(cm): 75
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: A governor of Tripolitania, name only very partially perserved: '...tius'. Position: Provincial Governors Gender: Male
Awarder: Council and people (ordo et populus) of the colony of Sabratha Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 300 Latest : 400
Reynolds, J. M. and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, enhanced electronic reissue by Gabriel Bodard and Charlotte Roueché (available at, London 2009, 104

Text: [---]tii v(iri) p(erfectissimi) / [--- integ]ritatis religione / [---]NTIF[---] / [---]se / [---] / [---]V / [---] ob / [---] / [---] / [ordo et popu]lus colo[niae Sabr(athensis)] / [--- publi]ce posuit [---] / [- cur]ante C(aio) Aurelio Feliciano / D[a]masio, fl(amine) p(er)petuo, sac(erdote) dei Herculis, / q(uin)q(uennale) curatore rei publicae, / feliciter. Trans: [Statue of] ...tius, of perfectissimus rank, of integrity in religion … the council and people (populus) of the colony of Sabratha … set [this] up … under the care of Caius Aurelius Felicianus Damasus, priest in perpetuity, priest of the god Hercules, quinquennial duumvir, curator of the city, with good fortune.