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LSA-2351 Base for statue of one of two Magniliani, benefactors: Quintus Vetulenius Urbanus Herennianus, priest and curator, or his son, Magnilianus. Municipium Aurelium Commodianum... (Africa Proconsularis). Late third to fourth century, possibly early fourth century

City: Municipium Aurelium Commodianum... Province: Africa Proconsularis Region: North Africa, Western (from Byzacena westwards)
Details: Modern Henchir Bou – Cha (Municipium Aurelium Commodianum)
Current Location: No recent record
Object: Base Material: Unknown Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 120 Width(cm): 60 Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Quintus Vetulenius Urbanus Herennianus, priest and curator, or his son, Magnilianus Position: Religious Office-Holders Gender: Male
Awarder: Unknown, probably the city Position: Awarder Unknown or Uncertain
Earliest: 280 Latest : 400
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, 23964=828

Lepelley, C., Les cités de l'Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire, t. 2, Notices d'histoire municipale, Paris 1981, 77

Text: Magnilianorum. / Q(uintus) Vetulenius Urbanus Herennianus, / fl(amen) p(er)p(etuus), cur(ator) r(ei) p(ublicae), apodyterium novum / in dextera cellis exeuntibus / (5) a solo constructum, piscinas duas, / cetera restaurata adq(ue) statuis / marmoribus, tabulis pictis, / columnis ingressu cellaru[m], / alisq(ue) rebus ornata, sum(p)tu proprio, / (10) cum Magniliano filio suo, / florentissimo adque prudentissi[mo] / adulescenti, voto omnium civium / perfecit adq(ue) dedicavit, et univer/s(a)e plevi (sic) epulu(m) per tridu(u)m dedit, nec/non et ludos scenicos ex(h)ibuit.
Trans: [Statue of the] Magniliani. Quintus Vetulenius Urbanus Herennianus, priest in perpetuity, curator of the city, completed and dedicated a new changing room (apodyterium), built from ground level to the right of the chambers by the exit, [and] two pools; the rest [of the building he] restored, and ornamented with marble statues, painted panels, columns at the entrance to the chambers, and other things, all with his own funds and with Magnilianus his son, brightest and most prudent of young man, [and] at the solemn request of all the citizens; and for the whole population he gave a three-day banquet, and presented theatrical displays.