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LSA-2406 Base for statue of 'Fortuna Victrix'. From Calama (Africa Proconsularis). 293-294

City: Calama Province: Africa Proconsularis Region: North Africa, Western (from Byzacena westwards)
Details: Found re-used in walls of Byzantine fortress
Current Location: Paris, Musée du Louvre (2033)
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 35 Width(cm): 82 Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: 'Fortuna Victrix', the goddess of Victorius Fortune Position: Deities, Personifications and Heroes Gender: Female
Awarder: Iulius Rusticianus, civis et curator Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 293 Latest : 294
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, 2590

Gsell, S., Inscriptions latines de l’Algérie, vol. I, Paris 1922 (Rome 1965), 179

Lepelley, C., Les cités de l'Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire, t. 2, Notices d'histoire municipale, Paris 1981, 91-2 no. 2

Text: [For]tunam victricem, cum simulacris Victoriarum, / [ex] infrequenti et inculto loco in ista sede, priv[ato?] / [sumptu?, proco]nsulato quarto insignis Aureli Aristobuli, [viri clarissimi] / et ornat[iss]i[m]i, provisione gloriosi Macrini Sos[siani, viri clarissimi], / leg(ati) quarto. Iulius Rusticia[nus], / [ci]vis et cur(ator) Kalamensium splendidi[ssimae coloniae], / [---]VP[--- tran]st[ulit ---] et locavit [---].
Trans: The [statue of the] Victorious Fortune, with the statues of victories, [was moved] from an abandoned and neglected place, into this place, with (private funds?), in the fourth (year of the) governorship (proconsulatu) of the distinguished Aurelius Aristobulus, of clarissimus rank and most distinguished, through the foresight of the glorious Macrinus Sossianus, of clarissimus rank, legate for the fourth time. Iulius Rusticianus, citizen and curator of the splendid colony of Kalama (…) moved and placed (…).