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LSA-2454 Base for statue of Valerius Romanus, curator of the city and local patron. Sicca Veneria (Africa Proconsularis). 280-337

City: Sicca Veneria Province: Africa Proconsularis Region: North Africa, Western (from Byzacena westwards)
Details: Found re-used in jewish cemetery of Le-Kef
Current Location: No recent record
Object: Base Material: Local stone Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 154 Width(cm): 60 Depth(cm): 21
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Valerius Romanus Position: Civic Office-Holders Gender: Male
Awarder: Venerii (Faithful of Venus, or people of Sicca Veneria) Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 280 Latest : 337
Ben Abdallah, Z. B., Catalogue des inscriptions latines païenne du Musée du Bardo, Rome 1986, 366

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VIII, 15881

Lepelley, C., Les cités de l'Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire, t. 2, Notices d'histoire municipale, Paris 1981, 157-8; 160 no. 5

Text: Mirae bonitatis adque in-/tegritatis viro Valerio Romano, / v(iro) c(larissimo), curatori rei p(ublicae) spl(endidissimae) col(oniae) Siccensi-/um et Veneris, ob restauratum /(5) deae simulacrum quod iamdudum / ạ latronibus fuerat interṛụpta /[ templi] ṃụṇịṭịọṇẹ sublatum / [statuam] Venerii ad prop̣ạg̣ạṇḍạm / [saec(u)lis o]ṃnibus ṃemoriạṃ /(10) [patrono fi]do amore po[suerunt].
Trans: To a man of extraordinary goodness and integrity, Valerius Romanus, of clarissimus rank, curator of the city (res publica) of the most splendid colony of the Siccenses and of Venus. On account of the restoration of the statue of the goddess which was taken by bandits who had broken the walls of the temple. The faithful followers of Venus, to spread his memory through all centuries, set up (this) statue to their patron with devoted love.