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LSA-2880 Base for statue of Lucius Aemilius Quintus, provincial notable, envoy and priest. Sabratha (Tripolitania). 383-388

City: Sabratha Province: Tripolitania Region: North Africa, Eastern (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica)
Details: Found in front of curia
Current Location: Where found
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 140 Width(cm): 75 Depth(cm): 70
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Lucius Aemilius Quintus Position: Religious Office-Holders Gender: Male
Awarder: people and council of Sabratha by decree of the province of Tripolitania Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 383 Latest : 388
L'Année épigraphique, , 1950, 149

Reynolds, J. M. & J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. In collaboration with S. Aurigemma, R. Bartoccini, G. Caputo, R. Goodchild, P. Romanelli, Roma 1952, 111

Text: L(uci) Aemili Quinti fl(aminis) p̣(er)p̣(etui) / quod laborem continu[u]m / pro prouinciae suae / necessitate sustinuit / (5) et quod miserias com-/
munes sacris aurib(us) / intimabit et remedium /
meruit ordo et popul(us) / splendidae col(oniae) Sabrat(hensis) / (10) secundum decreta totius /
prouinc(iae) dedic(auerunt) cur(ante) / Fl(auio) Venantio
Trans: (In honour) of Lucius Aemilius Quintus, perpetual flamen (priest), because he made continual effort to meet the needs of his province and because he brought its shared misfortunes to the sacred (i.e. imperial) ears and obtained a remedy; the city council and the people of the splendid colony of Sabratha, in accordance with the decrees of the whole province, dedicated (this); Flavius Venantius took charge (of the work). (transl. Ch. Roueché)