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LSA-404 Lower part of base for re-erected gilded bronze statue of Flavius Taurus, praetorian prefect; commanded by the emperors. Rome, Forum of Trajan. 364-367

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Rome, Forum of Trajan
Current Location: Rome, Forum of Trajan, deposit of Basilica Ulpia (FT 14450)
Object: Base, for gilded statue Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 103 Width(cm): 82 Depth(cm): 65
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Flavius Taurus, praetorian prefect Position: Civilian Imperial Office-Holders Gender: Male
Awarder: Valentinian and Valens, with the agreement of the Senate Position: Emperors
Earliest: 364 Latest : 367
L'Année épigraphique, , 1934, 159

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 41336

Text: ------? / [.]ẹs++[---] / adque (!) constanṭịa aeq(ue) proba/to, v(iro) c(larissimo) Tauro, comiti ordinis primi, / quaestori sacri palati patricia dig/nitate, praef(ecto) praet(orio) per Italiam atq(ue)/ Africam, dd nn (ie, domini nostri) Valentinianus / et Valens victores ac triumfatores / semper Augusti, statuam sub auro, / quam adprobante amplissimo senatu / iamdudam meruerat, ad perpetuam / laudabilis viri memoriam reddi / iusserunt. Trans: ... and constancy equally tested, Taurus of clarissimus rank, count of the first order, quaestor in the holy palace, of patrician dignity, praetorian prefect for Italy and Africa. Our lords Valentinian and Valens victorious and triumphant, forever Augusti, commanded with the agreement of the most splendid Senate that the gilded statue that he earned some time ago be restored, for the perpetual memory of this man worthy of praise.