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LSA-1928 Base for statue of Caius Caelius Censorinus, governor of Campania. Atella (Campania). 326-337.

City: Atella Province: Campania Region: Italy south of Rome, with Sicily
Details: First recorded as inserted into bell tower of parish church of Sant' Arpino
Current Location: No recent record
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Caius Caelius Censorinus, governor of Campania Position: Provincial Governors Gender: Male
Awarder: Council (ordo) and people of Atella Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 326 Latest : 337
Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, , 1216

L'Année épigraphique, , 1999, 157

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , X, 3732

Text: C(aio) Caelio Censori/no, v(iro) c(larissimo), p[r]a[et(ori) ca]ndi/dato, con[s(uli), c]ur(atori)] viae / Latinae, cu[r(atori)] re[g(ionis)] VII, /(5) cur(atori) splendidae Car/thagin(is), comiti d(omini) n(ostri) / Constantini maximi Aug(usti) / et exactori auri et argen/ti provinciarum III, cons(ulari) pro/vinc(iae) Siciliae, cons(ulari) Camp(aniae), aucta /(11) in melius civitate sua et refor/mata ordo populusque Atel/lanus. / L(oco) d(ato) s(enatus) c(onsulto).

Trans: To Caius Caelius Censorinus, of clarissimus rank, praetor on the emperor's suggestion, consul [suffect], curator of the Via Latina, curator of region VII, curator of the splendid Carthage, count of our lord Constantinus the greatest Augustus and tax collector of gold and silver of the three provinces, governor (consularis) of the proovince of Sicily, governor (consularis) of Campania; with their own city improved and reformed, the council (ordo) and people of Atella [set this up]. The site was granted by a decree of the senate.