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LSA-2182 Lower part of base for statue of unknown governor of Tripolitania, patron of Lepcis (used later, in 379/95, for LSA-2159 and earlier, in 290/94, for LSA-2168). Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). Fourth century.

City: Lepcis Magna Province: Tripolitania Region: North Africa, Eastern (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica)
Details: Severan Forum, in front of southern colonnade
Current Location: Where found
Object: Base Material: Marble Re-Use? Yes
Clothing: Hairstyle: Height(cm): 110
Attributes: Beard:
Honorand: Governor of Tripolitania, name lost Position: Provincial Governors Gender: Male
Awarder: People of Lepcis (Lepcimagnenses) by decree of the council (ordo) Position: Provincial Cities, their Institutions and Officials
Earliest: 303 Latest: 378
Tantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana, Cassino 2010, 381-3, no. 36, figs. 8.6, 10.41-42, pl. VI

Reynolds, J. M. & J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. In collaboration with S. Aurigemma, R. Bartoccini, G. Caputo, R. Goodchild, P. Romanelli, Roma 1952, no. 610
