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LSA-2730 Literary record of equestrian statues for Theodosius the Elder, father of Theodosius I. Rome. 384-385

Quorum auctor et parens ... statuarum equestrium honore decoratus est ...

City: Roma Province: Roma Region: Rome (including Ostia and Portus)
Details: Recorded in Rome (location not specified)
Current Location: Lost
Object: Statue, equestrian Material: Unknown Re-Use? Unknown
Form: Height(cm): Width(cm): Depth(cm):
Language: Text Type:
Honorand: Theodosius the Elder Position: Imperial Family Gender: Male
Awarder: Senate of Rome Position: Senate and People of Rome
Earliest: 384 Latest : 385
Stichel, R. H. W., Die römische Kaiserstatue am Ende der Antike, Roma 1982, no. 76

Seeck, O. (ed.), Q. Aurelii Symmachi quae supersunt (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctorum Antiquissimorum Tomi VI Pars Prior), Berlin 1883, 314, relatio 43

Text: Symm. Relatio 43; 9,4:
Curae mihi est, ut qui animis et maiestate congruitis, mutua honorificentia gaudeatis. Dignum est igitur, domine imperator Valentiniane inclyte victor ac triumphator semper Auguste, ut decretum senatus ad invictissimos fratres numinis tui, si ita placet, clementia tua insinuante perveniat. Quorum auctor et parens, ut dudum v(iro) c(larissimo) et inlustri officiorum magistro scripsisse memini, statuarum equestrium honore decoratus est, quas ei ordo venerabilis Africani et Britannici belli recordatione decrevit ea scilicet causa, ut iustis superiorum ducum titulis praesentium circa vos devotio provocetur.

Trans: Symm. Relatio 43; 9,4:
It is my concern that you who are the same in minds and majesty enjoy mutual honours. It is therefore proper, lord emperor Valentinian, revered victor and triumphator always Augustus, that the decree of the Senate reaches, if I may say so, the invincible brothers of your divine spirit with the prompting of your Clemency. Their father, as I remember to have written some time ago to the Master of the Offices, a man of clarissimus and illustris rank, has been decorated with the honour of equestrian statues which the venerable Senate (ordo) decreed him to the memory of the African and Britannic war, for the reason, namely, that present devotion towards you should be encouraged by the just record of earlier leaders.