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LSA-2756 Literary record of small gilded statue, supposedly of Euphemia, wife of emperor Justin I. Constantinople, near church of St Euphemia. 518-527

City: Constantinople Province: Constantinople Region: Constantinople
Details: Recorded in the quarter 'ta Olybriou' by the church of St Euphemia
Current Location: Lost
Object: Statue Material: Bronze, gilded Re-Use? Unknown
Clothing: Hairstyle: Height(cm):
Attributes: Beard:
Honorand: Euphemia Position: Imperial Family Gender: Female
Awarder: Not recorded Position: Awarder Unknown or Uncertain
Earliest: 518 Latest: 527
Cameron, A. & J. Herrin, Constantinople in the early eighth century. The "Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai". Introduction, translation and commentary, Leiden 1984, ยง 30

Stichel, R. H. W., Die römische Kaiserstatue am Ende der Antike, Roma 1982, 104 no. 127

Preger, Th.
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum Vol. I: Hesychii illustrii origines Constantinopolitanae. Anonymi enarrationes breves chronographicae. Anonymi narratio de aedificatione templi S. Sophiae (= Hesychius; Parastaseis; Diegesis; Patria Constantinupoleos) (1901), 1901, Parastaseis 30; Patria II, 26
