DiscussionBase for statue of Licinius, emperor. Parentium (Venetia et Histria). 309-310 INSCRIPTION In nine lines:
[[Imp(eratori) [Caes(ari) V]alerio]] / [[[Licini]ano]] / [[[Licinio]]], pio, f(elici), / invicto Aug(usto), p(ontifici) /(5) m(aximo), trib(unicia) p(otestate) III, con(suli), / p(atri) p(atriae), proco(nsuli), r(es) p(ublica) / Parentinor(um) / d(e)v(ota) nu(mini) mai(estati)/q(ue) aeius (sic, for eius).
‘To the emperor Caesar Valerius Licinianus Licinius, pious, fortunate, unconquered Augustus, highest priest (pontifex maximus), holding tribunician power for the third time, consul, father of the fatherland, proconsul, the city (res publica) of Parentium, devoted to his divine spirit and majesty, [set this up].’
Letter height not recorded.
The emperor's name has been erased, but enough remains legible to make the identification with Licinius certain.
DESCRIPTION (from Degrassi 1934, Alföldy 1984, and the published image) Rectangular statue base of grey limestone moulded at top and bottom; H 135, W 77, D 55 cm. The upper left corner is broken. The epigraphic field has a moulded frame. On the top face, there are three dowel holes to fix the statue.
PROVENANCE AND CURRENT LOCATION The inscription was found in 1845 in the foundations of the church of St George in Poreč; this is the area of the ancient forum of Parentium (http://www.trismegistos.org/place/12234). The inscription is now in the archaeological museum of Poreč (without published inv. no.).
HONORAND, AWARDER AND DATE Licinius, the honorand, was Augustus 308-24. Our inscription records his first consulship and the third holding of tribunician power (line 5). Licinius held the consulship for the first time in 309; his third year of tribunician power started on 11 Dec. 309 and ended on 10 Dec. 310. Scholars have dated our inscription either to 309 (Mommsen, in CIL V), or to 310 (Degrassi 1934; Alföldy 1984).
It is possible that the inscription was set up in the short period (December 309) when both recorded titles applied to Licinius. Carlos Machado & Ulrich Gehn, discussion added 5/2014
Main Reference
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , V, 330
Degrassi, A. (ed.), Inscriptiones Italiae : Academiae Italicae Consociatae ediderunt. Volumen X, Fasciculus II, Parentium , Rome 1934, n. 7
Alföldy, G. , Römische Statuen in Venetia et Histria : epigraphische Quellen, Heidelberg 1984, n. 19