DiscussionFragmentary base for statue of Ceionius Rufius Volusianus, prefect of the City. Rome. 314-315 INSCRIPTION:In eight lines. Letter height 3 cm. [---]ii. / [---]mio Ceionio Rufio / [Volusian]ọ, (vac.) / [v(iro) c(larissimo), praef(ecto) urbi, iudici sacraru]m cognitionum /(5) [et consuli ordinario, comiti] d(omini) n(ostri) Constantini / [maximi, pii, felicis, invicti a]c semper Aug(usti), / [proco(n)s(uli) Africae, correctori Italiae] ịṭerum, / [---]+ẹ / ------? '[Statue of ...]ius. To ...mius Ceionius Rufius Volusianus, of clarissimus rank, prefect of the City, judge in the imperial court of appeal and consul (consul ordinarius), count of our lord Constantine the greatest, pious, fortunate, unconquered and forever Augustus, proconsul of Africa, governor of Italy (corrector Italiae) for the second time, ...' The inscription as given here follows the suggestions of Porena (2003, 265-267; AE 2003, 207). The signum of Volusianus is unknown, and therefore it is left incomplete. The cursus honorum as presented here follows a descending order, excluding Volusianus' consulship (311) and urban prefecture (310) held under Maxentius. The iteration referred to in l.7 almost certainly refers to his two terms as corrector Italiae under the reign of Carus and Carinus (explicitly mentioned in CIL X, 1655; see also LSA-1415). DESCRIPTION (Buroni and Panciera and photograph): Upper right side of marble base, 65 x 53 x 77cm (CIL) Buroni and Panciera (1982, 644-647) give 50 x 38 x 38 cm, but this seems to correspond to the main body of the surviving fragment . Epigraphic field is framed by moulding, partially preserved (but damaged) on the right side. The epigraphic field is smooth but deep, suggesting re-use. This seems confirmed by the roughness of the top, probably cut down. There is a dowel hole on the top, towards the front-right corner, for the fitting of a bronze statue. PROVENANCE AND LOCATION (CIL): Found in Rome, at unknown location. It is now in the Qntiquario del Celio, NCE 5504. HONORAND, AWARDER AND DATE: The honorand can be identified as Ceionius Rufius Volusianus, whow as consul in 314 and prefect of the City between 313-315 (PLRE I, 976-978 Volusianus 4). Volusianus is the earliest iudex sacrarum cognitionum known, a position probably created by Constantine when leaving Rome after his victory over Maxentius (Porena). The awarder remains unknown, but the date of dedication was certainly after 314, when he was made consul ordinarius, but soon thereafter. Main ReferenceL'Année épigraphique, , 2003, 207Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , VI, 41319 Discussion ReferencesBuroni, M. and S. Panciera, Epigrafia e Ordine Senatorio, vol. 1 (Tituli 4), Rome 1982, pp. 644-647 Jones, A. H. M. et al., The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Vol. I 260-395, Cambridge et al. 1971 (1975), pp. 976-978 (Volusianus 4) Porena, P., Le origini della prefettura del pretorio tardoantica, Rome 2003, 265-267 |