DiscussionBase for statue of Publius Publilius Ceionius Iulianus, governor of Tuscia et Umbria and city patron. Narnia (Tuscia et Umbria). 355-370 INSCRIPTIONIn nine lines. [Iuli]anii. / P(ublio) Publilio Caeionio / Iuliano, v(iro) c(larissimo), / correctori Tusciae et Umbriae, /(5) ob insigni eius gesta et inlus/tre administrationis meritum, / ordo Narniensium una cum / civibus statuam conlocave/runt patrono dignissimo. '[Statue of] Iulianus. To Publius Publilius Caeionius Iulianus, of clarissimus rank, governor (corrector) of Tuscia and Umbria; on account of his distinguished achievements and of the illustrious service of his administration, the council of the city of Narnia, together with the citizens, set up [this] statue to a most worthy patron.' DESCRIPTION Rectangular base, moulded at top and bottom; there are no published measurements. Our inscription is carved on the (proper) left side of the base, probably in a reuse. PROVENANCE AND LOCATION Our base was found in Narni (ancient Narnia, http://www.trismegistos.org/place/32217), reportedly near an 'ancient city gate' near the episcopal palace (CIL) - possibly the so-called 'Arco Romano'. It is now on display in Narni, Museo della città e del territorio (without published inv. no.). HONORAND, AWARDER AND DATE Publius Publilius Caeionius Iulianus is recorded in Rome, possibly as curator statuarum, in 353/355 (PLRE I, 476 Iulianus 27). He was later governor of Tuscia and Umbria, but certainly before 370 as the province is attested as under consulares after that date (PLRE I, 476 Iulianus 27; Cecconi 1994, 213). Our monument was dedicated by the council of Narnia, together with the citizenry, to its patron. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Mrs. Lynda Evans for providing us information on the location of this base, and a photo. Main ReferenceCorpus Inscriptionum Latinarum; , XI, 4118Discussion ReferencesBravi, A. (ed.), Aurea Umbria: Una Regione dell’ Impero nell’ Era di Costantino”, Bollettino per i Beni Culturali dell’ Umbria (2012), Viterbo 2012, 140 no. 17 Cecconi, G. A., Governo imperiale e élites dirigenti nell'Italia tardoantica. Problemi di storia politico-amministrativa (270-476 d.C.), Como 1994, Jones, A. H. M. et al., The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Vol. I 260-395, Cambridge et al. 1971 (1975), p. 476 (Iulianus 27) Linkhttp://www.edr-edr.it/edr_programmi/res_complex_comune.php?do=book&id_nr=EDR122286&provinz=&land=&fo_antik=&Bibliografia=&Testo=&booltesto=AND&Testo2=&bool=AND&ordinamento=id_nr&javasi=javascriptsi&se_foto=tutte&lang=eng |