

Base for statue (subject unstated), erected by Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, prefect of the City. Rome. 450-476

In four lines. Letter height 7-5cm.

Fabius Felix Passifilus / Paulinus, v(ir) c(larissimus) et inl(ustris), / praef(ectus) urb(i), / studiis suis.

"Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, of clarissimus and illustrious rank, prefect of the City, with his special care."

The inscription records the erection of a statue of unstated subject. The use of the expression studiis suis is previously unattested (it was used by the same prefect in LSA-2664). The expression was probably chosen to emphasize the special interest and/or initiative of this prefect for the dedication of this statue.

White marble base, 120 x 70 x 57 cm. The base was turned upside down, suggesting re-use. The base is damaged at the upper right corner. The epigraphic field measures 78 x 50 cm. The surface is rough, indicating the erasure of an earlier inscription (of which no trace survives). It is framed by moulding, well preserved.The top of our base has three dowel holes for a statue. There is an isolated letter 'S' lightly carved in antiquity into the upper left corner of the base, but its meaning is unknown.

The base was discovered in 2009 during works related to the construction of Line C of Rome's Metropolitana system, at piazza della Madonna di Loreto, by Piazza Venezia. The excavations revealed a structure of Hadrianic date, identified as the Athenaeum, a building used for various cultural activities (Egidi (2010), p. 114). The base is still there.

Our base records the dedication of a statue of unstated subject. The base was erected by the prefect of the City Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, who was in office sometime between 450 and 476. Paulinus' name appears in an inscription belonging to the last phase of the Flavian Amphitheatre, and also on a bronze tessera recording public works under two reigning emperors (Orlandi 2004, 499-500). Paulinus was responsible for the re-erection of other bases, presumably moved from other parts of the city: LSA-1088, LSA-1283, LSA-1338, LSA-1523, and LSA-2664.

The movement and re-erection of ancient statues from abandoned spaces to more prestigious areas is well attested in late antique Rome. This base (and its companion LSA-2664) is particularly interesting, however, since the Athenaeum was a famous space for the reading of poetry and other literary works.

Silvia Orlandi

Main Reference

Orlandi, S., "L'iscrizione del praefectus Urbi F. Felix Passifilus Paulinus", Archeologia e infrastrutture. Il tracciato fondamentale della linea C della metropolitana di Roma: prime indagine archeologiche (Bollettino d'Arte. Volume Speciale 2010 - Serie VII), Florence 2010, pp. 124-127

Discussion References

Egidi, R., "L'area di Piazza Venezia. Nuovi dati topografici", Archeologia e infrastrutture. Il tracciato fondamentale della linea C della metropolitana di Roma: prime indagine archeologiche (Bollettino d'Arte. Volume Speciale 2010 - Serie VII), pp. 93-124., pp. 93-124

Orlandi, S., Roma. Anfiteatri e strutture annesse con una nuova edizione e commento delle iscrizioni del Colosseo. Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente romano 6, Rome 2004, pp. 499-500
