DiscussionBase recording erection of statue (subject unstated). Lepcis Magna (Tripolitania). Second half of fourth century. INSCRIPTIONIn eight lines: Salvis dd(ominis) nn(ostris) / Fl(avius) / Lucretius / Florenti-/nus /(6) Rusticus / v(ir) p(erfectissimus) praes(es) / conlocavit 'For the saftey of our lords. Flavius Lucretius Florentinus Rusticus, of perfectissimus rank, governor (praeses), set this here.' Letter height 8-10 cm. DESCRIPTION Monolithic base of compact grey limestone, moulded at top and bottom; H 74, W 61, D 37 cm. This base is very similar to its twin base LSA-2219 from which it differs only in some particulars: our block has an awkward shape, being much wider at the top; the hole for the tube of the fountain has a triangular shape; a lesser portion of the lower moulding has been worked back in this case. On the top face it has four circular holes similar to its twin base, and an additional one close to the right margin, halfway between the front and rear holes. The entire upper face, which is generally in a better state than that of its twin, is scattered with parallel tool marks, possibly indicators that a marble plinth was fixed above it. The various phases of use are the same as for LSA-2219. PROVENANCE AND CURRENT LOCATION The inscription is standing where it was found, at the southern entrance of the Severan forum that opens onto the insula immediately southwest of the forum. HONORAND, AWARDER AND DATE Flavius Lucretius Florentinus Rusticus, the awarder, is known from a series of similar inscriptions in Lepcis Magna (our inscription, LSA-2219, LSA-2221, LSA-2222) (PLRE I, 787 Rusticus 1). For honorand and date see comment in LSA-2219. Main ReferenceTantillo, I. and F. Bigi (eds.), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana, Cassino 2010, 484, no. 89, figs. 7.14, 10.105, pl. XXIII |