

Base for statue (unstated subject). From Puteoli. Late third-fourth century

In six lines. Letter height 6-4.5 cm.

Ex amore civita/tis nostrae, glo/ria ordinis popu/lus gaudet, Pabo/nenses fecerunt, / providente Acerio.

'Out of love for our city, the people (populus) rejoices with the glory of the councillors (ordo); the Pavonenses set this up, with Acerius having provided for it.'

The inscription can be dated to the late third/fourth century by the style of the letters. The individual responsible for the dedication, 'Acerius', is referred to by one name only, which might be an indication of a late fourth-century date.

DESCRIPTION ( personal inspection)
White marble base: 112 x 80 x 40 cm. The base has mouldings at top and bottom. The epigraphic field is framed by a moulding. The upper two thirds of the field were cut back with a point, erasing an earlier inscription. The right side has a rectangular hole near the top. The left side is finished with a claw chisel. the back is smooth, with a vertical stripe (5-8 cm broad) cut back. The top is roughly finished. There is a small round hole on the left front edge, another small hole towards the right edge.

Our base was found in 1977, during works for the construction of the Liceo Scientifico 'E. Maiorana', on the ancient Via Domitiana. It is now in Baia, Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, Pozzuoli, Sala 38 (inv. P. N.p. 000144).

The base records a dedication probably in honour of the ordo of Puteoli. It is not clear what type of statue would have been erected, but it was almost certainly a personification of the city council or the city.

The statue was dedicated by the 'Pavonenses'. It is not clear what type of group this was. Camodeca hypothesizes a city region (inhabitants of an otherwise unknown vicus Pavonis) or a guild of unknown nature (Camodeca 19980/1981, 124-126).

Carlos Machado and Ulrich Gehn

Main Reference

L'Année épigraphique, , 1983, 197

Zevi, F. [et al.]., Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei: Castello di Baia. II. Catalogo generale. Pozzuoli., Naples 2008, p. 155

Camodeca, G. "Ricerche su Puteoli tardoromana (fine III-IV secolo)", Puteoli, 4-5, 1980-1981, pp. 124-126