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LSA-2851 Base for statue of unknown subject, perhaps Liber Pater, deity. Novae (Moesia II). 293-310

City: Novae Province: Moesia II Region: North Balkans and Danube provinces
Details: Novae, principia of legionary camp
Current Location: Novae, storerooms at Bulgarian dig house (without published inv. no.)
Object: Base Material: Local stone Re-Use? Yes
Form: Rectangular Height(cm): 153 Width(cm): 93 Depth(cm): 83
Language: Latin Text Type: Prose
Honorand: Unknown Position: Deities, Personifications and Heroes Gender: Unknown
Awarder: Aurelius Porfyrius Position: Lower-ranking Imperial Officials
Earliest: 293 Latest : 310
Sarnowski, T., Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum. Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus Novae, Tyche 28, 2013, 135-46,

Text: On front face:
[Deo s]ạncto libero patri / [cons]ervatori Augg(ustorum) et / [Cae]ṣs(arum) nn(ostrorum) et leg(ionis) I Ital(icae) vi-/[ct]ṛicis, Aur(elius) Porfyrius / (5) [p(rimi)p(ilarius) ex p]rov(incia) Foenice / v(otum) l(ibens) s(olvit).

On right lateral face:
Dedicata / Imp(eratore) d(omino) n(ostro) Gordiano / Aug(usto) II et Pompeiano co(n)s(ulibus), / accepta pariatoria / (5) Idib(us) Aug(ustis).

Trans: On front face:
To the holy god Liber Pater, preserver of our Augusti and Caesars, and of the 1st legion, the Italic, the victorious; Aurelius Porfyrius, primipilarius from the province of Phoenice, fulfilled his vow willingly.

On right lateral face:
Dedicated under the consulship of our lord Gordian Augustus for the second time, and Pompeianus, having recieved the confirmation, on the Ides (13th) of August.